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ノエリエル城・2階 (80-100)
ObtainableMonster/NPCItem[Normal] Freeze Ghost[Normal] Ice Evil Clock[1 Handed Sword] インディゴソード[Material] Frozen Iron Fragment[Material] 狂った時計針[Material] 割れた鉄の蓋[Staff] サージュロッド[Normal] スノーマン
ノエリエル城・大広間 (80-100)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (Lv 102)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (Lv 112)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (Lv 122)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (Lv 132)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (Lv 152)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (raid) (Lv 112)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (raid) (Lv 122)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (raid) (Lv 132)
ObtainableMonster/NPCItem[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue[Usable] リバイタ III[Usable] Iced Vita Plus[Knuckles] 聖氷の爪[Ore] オリハル鉱石[Staff] 聖氷の杖[Armor Crysta] Noeliel[Halberd] Sacred Ice Spear[Katana] Sacred Ice Katana[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (raid)[Usable] リバイタ III[Usable] Iced Vita Plus[Usable] Roast Chicken[Usable] Champagne[Armor] Sacred Ice Armor[Knuckles] 聖氷の爪[Ore] オリハル鉱石[Staff] 聖氷の杖[Halberd] Sacred Ice Spear[Katana] Sacred Ice Katana[Enhancer Crysta (Green)] Noelielthe Ice Statue
[Normal] Cold Golem (Lv 118)
[Normal] Ice Evil Clock (Lv 117)
ObtainableMonster/NPCItem[Normal] Cold Golem[Normal] Ice Evil Clock[2 Handed Sword] デスペランサ[Material] 割れた鉄の蓋[Material] Frozen Gear[Material] Frozen Iron Fragment[Katana] 鋼牙
ノエリエル城・2階 (100-120)
ObtainableMonster/NPCItem[Normal] Cold Golem[Normal] Ice Evil Clocl[2 Handed Sword] デスペランサ[Material] 割れた鉄の蓋[Material] Frozen Iron Fragment[Material] Frozen Gear[Katana] 鋼牙[Normal] スノーマン
ノエリエル城・大広間 (100-120)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (Lv 122)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (Lv 132)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (Lv 142)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (Lv 152)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (Lv 172)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (raid) (Lv 132)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (raid) (Lv 142)
[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (raid) (Lv 152)
ObtainableMonster/NPCItem[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue[Usable] リバイタ IV[Usable] Iced Vita Plus[Knuckles] 聖氷の爪[Ore] オリハル鉱石[Staff] 聖氷の杖[Armor Crysta] Noeliel[Halberd] Sacred Ice Spear[Katana] Sacred Ice Katana[Boss] Noeliel the Ice Statue (raid)[Usable] Roast Chicken[Usable] Iced Vita Plus[Usable] Champagne[Usable] リバイタ IV[Armor] Sacred Ice Armor[Knuckles] 聖氷の爪[Ore] オリハル鉱石[Staff] 聖氷の杖[Halberd] Sacred Ice Spear[Katana] Sacred Ice Katana[Enhancer Crysta (Green)] Noelielthe Ice Statue
ミスルナ山・遺跡: 基壇部回廊
[Mini Boss] ミスルナオオヤマネコ (Lv 177)
[Normal] アードバン (Lv 140)
[Normal] ハリアブボ (Lv 139)
[Normal] ミッタートレー (Lv 138)
ObtainableMonster/NPCItem[Mini Boss] ミスルナオオヤマネコ
ミスルナ山・遺跡: 中空回廊
ミスルナ山・遺跡: 露天回廊
[Boss] ゼルビューズ (Lv 144)
[Boss] ゼルビューズ (Lv 154)
[Boss] ゼルビューズ (Lv 164)
[Boss] ゼルビューズ (Lv 174)
[Boss] ゼルビューズ (Lv 194)
[Normal] ミッタートレー (Lv 140)
[Normal] モスグラニット (Lv 142)
ObtainableMonster/NPCItem[Boss] ゼルビューズ
ObtainableMonster/NPCItem[Mini Boss] ウォルバブ
神々の神殿: エリア 1
[Normal] エンバブ (青) (Lv 143)
[Normal] エンバブ (緑) (Lv 141)
[Normal] エンバブ (赤) (Lv 142)
[Normal] プシマティ (Lv 143)
[Normal] サーラ (Lv 142)
ObtainableMonster/NPCItem[Normal] エンバブ (緑)[Normal] エンバブ (赤)[Normal] エンバブ (青)